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  Lieutenant John C.O.R Hopkinson photographed in about 1956 as Adjutant of the Seaforth Highlanders Depot at Fort George. He later commanded 1st Battalion Queen's Own Highlanders 1972-74, and was Colonel of the Regiment 1983-94. On retiring as a Major General in 1984 he was awarded the CB and became Director of the British Field Sports Society.
Reference: 44611b
Caption:Lieutenant John C.O.R Hopkinson photographed in about 1956 as Adjutant of the Seaforth Highlanders Depot at Fort George. He later commanded 1st Battalion Queen's Own Highlanders 1972-74, and was Colonel of the Regiment 1983-94. On retiring as a Major General in 1984 he was awarded the CB and became Director of the British Field Sports Society.
Keywords: man portrait army uniform soldier scar
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