Visit the Andrew Paterson Collection website to learn more about the famous portrait photographer whose lifework forms the backbone of the SHPA.
Read the free interactive digital magazine about the life of Andrew Paterson.
The Scottish Highlander Photo Archive offers a unique and free resource for genealogists looking to trace their Highland origins and searching for a possible vintage photograph of their ancestors.
With thousands of portrait photographs of people spanning the early decades of the 20th Century, and with the ability to cross reference data with other users, there is a greater chance to find an actual image of one of your relatives.
There are hundreds of photographs in the archive that have no reference at all, and we encourage people to contact us with any possible identification information. All new data will be annotated as unverified until certain proofs are obtained. Most images only have a surname, but others do have dates and/or address details.
If you find an image you would like to obtain as either a hard-copy digital print or in electronic format via e-mail, take a note of the SHPA catalogue number and go to the prints ordering page.
As an ongoing project, the SHPA regularly uploads new images, so it will be worthwhile checking back from time to time. Simply enter a full stop (.) in the search panel and then click on the last page and work backwards to see the most recent images.