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  Dancing girl, October 1925. The instructions on the envelope to this image indicate it was to be deep-etched and turned upright, probably to be superimposed on a different background, the finished item which does not exist in the archive. See ref: 25530b_PB for the original. Instructions on the envelope include cutting the frills away from the skirt, shaving some off the knee, make the protruding hair on top more shapely and using a portion of the books to shape the rear of the head. # ~
Reference: 25530c
Caption:Dancing girl, October 1925. The instructions on the envelope to this image indicate it was to be deep-etched and turned upright, probably to be superimposed on a different background, the finished item which does not exist in the archive. See ref: 25530b_PB for the original. Instructions on the envelope include cutting the frills away from the skirt, shaving some off the knee, make the protruding hair on top more shapely and using a portion of the books to shape the rear of the head. # ~
Keywords: portrait
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