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Page 42 of 66 of 791 Records
Mrs Johnston, Bridge Street, Inverness. Identification information kindly provided by Dave Conner and Duncan Chisholm.  Officer on the left is Acting Chief Constable Andrew Meldrum, appointed on 7th August 1944 when Chief Constable Stewart was summoned to the fledgling Control Commission for Germany.  Second left is Chief James Douglas Stewart, a Canadian from Winnipeg, who was appointed Chief Constable of Inverness Burgh on 11th January 1943 after previous service in the City of Dundee Police. Stewart was later seconded to the Control Commission for Germany from 1944 until August 1946 as the Deputy Inspector General of the Special Police Corps for Germany, with the rank of Colonel.  The other two officers on the right are Burgh Special Constables with Inspector rank. The officer on the far right is Hugh W Johnstone of 17 Bridge Street, Inverness. He lived at Culduthel Gardens. One of his brothers owned a shoe shop on Grant Street and the other, Daniel, lived next to Chief Constable Paterson at the corner of Ballifeary Road and Glenurquhart Road.
Reference: 39270.5
Mrs Johnston, Bridge Street, I...
Stella MacDonald.
Reference: 43644b
Stella MacDonald. ...
Stella MacDonald.
Reference: 43644a
Stella MacDonald. ...
Brigadier Duncan of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders.
Reference: 42787c
Brigadier Duncan of the Queen&...
Brigadier Duncan of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders.
Reference: 42787b
Brigadier Duncan of the Queen&...
Brigadier Duncan of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders.
Reference: 42787a
Brigadier Duncan of the Queen&...
Mrs Grant, Coulmore. Painted portrait of Lieutenant Colonel Ian P. Grant of Coulmore. Born in 1908, he was commissioned in The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders in 1928. He served with distinction in WWII and commanded the London Scottish, but sadly died in an accident in Italy in 1945.
Reference: 41905b
Mrs Grant, Coulmore. Painted p...
Mrs Grant, Coulmore. Painted portrait of Lieutenant Colonel Ian P. Grant of Coulmore. Born in 1908, he was commissioned in The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders in 1928. He served with distinction in WWII and commanded the London Scottish, but sadly died in an accident in Italy in 1945.
Reference: 41905a
Mrs Grant, Coulmore. Painted p...
Lt. MacDonald, Avoch, Black Isle.
Reference: 39422
Lt. MacDonald, Avoch, Black Is...
James Grant, probably a member of 3rd Inverness (Crown) Scout Troop. He is wearing a badge dated 1958 (for the Patrol Jamborette held at Blair Atholl in that year), and the other badges he is wearing indicate he was well through the Scout training programme. In his hat he has the badges which indicate that he was a patrol leader.
Reference: 43956b
James Grant, probably a member...
James Grant, probably a member of 3rd Inverness (Crown) Scout Troop. He is wearing a badge dated 1958 (for the Patrol Jamborette held at Blair Atholl in that year), and the other badges he is wearing indicate he was well through the Scout training programme. In his hat he has the badges which indicate that he was a patrol leader.
Reference: 43956a
James Grant, probably a member...
Brigadier Eneas Grant,  born 1901, belonged to a family which served in the Seaforth Highlanders for four generations. He served in the regiment from 1920 to 1955, when he retired to his house and hill farm at Tomatin. Both his sons joined the Seaforth, the elder being killed in action in Korea in 1951. The supplement to the London Gazette of October 1945 announced 'The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in North-West Europe: Brigadier (acting) Eneas Henry George GRANT, D.S.O., M.C. (18829), The Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's) (Tomatin, Inverness).' An un-dated newspaper cutting from 1951 is filed with the negatives. It announces his being awarded a C.B.E. and states: 'Brigadier (Temporary) Eneas Henry George Grant, D.S.O, M.C., late Infantry. Brigadier Grant is the only surviving son of the late Col. H.G. Grant and of Mrs I. Grant, Balnespick, Tomatin, and his house is at Auchenfroe, Nairn. He was awarded the M.C. when serving with his regiment, The Seaforth Highlanders, in Palestine in 1936, and won the D.S.O. in 1944, gaining a Bar to it in 1945.'
Reference: 43283i
Brigadier Eneas Grant, born 1...