Search ‘the Archive

Enter a surname, town name or other keyword to search the database. Remember to allow for the different spellings of ‘Mc’ and ‘Mac.’ Good luck!


John and Marjory Frew
ABCJohn Frew, watchmaker and Provost of
ABCDingwall (1909-1912), and wife Marjory

 Surnames listed: 850
 Photographs listed: 8424

First, have a look at the list of surnames which have already been catalogued in the archive, then search using any of the following criteria:

  • Full name
  • Surname only
  • Town name
  • Street name
  • House name
  • Subject/content – e.g. baby, wedding, bridal, uniform, kilt
  • Year
  • User-generated data from other SHPA users

As we sort through the archive, scanning and cataloguing thousands of images, we occasionally come across photographs of places, scenics, and groups of people. These images are also included in the SHPA, and can be accessed separately by simply entering an asterisk (*) into the search field. Similarly, the unidentified images can be isolated by entering a cross-hatch (#) into the search field.

Check which surnames are already listed on the database here.